Saturday, March 6, 2010

We traveled downtown a couple of days ago to renew out vehicle reregistration (after realizing it expired last month oops!!) and decided to stop by the Children's Discovery Museum. The kiddos had a blast, and I can't believe we have lived in this town for almost 2 years and have never gone!

I feel like such a bad mommy, when we lived nearer to the "big city" Roo and I would frequent the children's museums and play places designed just for toddlers and now nothing! This town is much smaller and there is a lot less in terms of actual places to take your children for entertainment.

We had a great time, there was art stuff galore, I think Roo could have stayed the whole afternoon. They did happen to be closing early the day we went so we didn't get to spend much time there, but it is right next to where Roo will be going to Preschool later this year (O MY.O MY.O MY.) so I have a feeling we may be making many visits after school and such!

They had a great time, but I think Roo enjoyed the "cowboy" section the most, he is having a Cowboy birthday at a real Ranch this year, and he is super excited!

I think I have the cutest 'lil cowpokes around!

Monday, February 1, 2010

There's an app for that!

Technology, ya gotta love it!

And just in case you were wondering....

Come on you know you were...

This picture...

Is me, giant me apparently, standing in a forest of trees. It is snowing, but the sun is out and shining. It may be raining, or those may be earrings... I'm gonna go with earrings.
And there are 2 screaming babies under my feet (this may be the most realistic part of the drawing!). And someone has thrown a bomb at the two of them! Yikes, lol.

Toddlers are so creative.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Having two kids...

Has made me realize...

That I may never...

Have four eyeballs....

Looking at my camera....

At the same time...


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Teething Bites

This poor little guy is teething.
It's nasty business. That whole, teeth protruding through your gums business.

Pure agony, from the looks of it here

Poor darling has been sleeping so restlessly
{These photos were taken about 2 am}

Oh, sweet pea, I would take the pain away in a heartbeat if I could.

I wish babies could understand the peace and comfort in the wonderful saying...

This too shall pass.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Think Pink!

Wow, what a 2010!

I awoke New Year's Day to find my computer had crashed and so had both my kiddos! Poor darlings were sick for the better part of a week! Thankfully it was just that icky cough, congestion and fever going around. So nothing that required a Dr. visit. Just fluids, rest and a whole lotta TLC from Mommy!

This past weekend we went out of town for a baby shower and birthday party! Oh my fun! My cousin is having a little girl in less than 3 weeks. Super excited does not even begin to describe it. Before this weekend if anyone ever asked me " So are y'all going to have anymore kids?" or " Are y'all going to try for a girl" My answer was always, " Of course we would love to have one or two more little ones, however I really want more boys."

But O.M.G. the things they make in PINK! A-stinkin'-dorable! I may just steal her baby when she isn't looking, because her and her hubby make beautiful children!

Speaking of baby showers and all things pink, look what I made!

When I asked if I could bring anything for the shower the mommy-to-be requested cake balls! This was my first time making them for something other than family gatherings or treats for my husband to take to work. So I had to be creative and cute and well baby shower-ish. I am normally none too impressed with anything crafty or creative that I do. However I must say I was pleasantly surprised at how cute these turned out.

And I may be addicted to spray paint. *

So come on 2010 lets go! Give me all ya got, because we are ready for you! It's going to be an exciting year, full of first Valentines days, first Easters and first Birthdays for little Ry. As well as the much much dreaded (for me) First day of School for Roo. I am looking forward to it all!

*Not addicted as in the go in the windowless bathroom and spray 'till the fumes get to me, but more addicted in the Oh WOW you can do all that with spray paint and it comes in how many colors?? Awesome.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I am a...

Wanna be photographer
Lover of wrapping paper
Collector of shower gel
Thunderstorm loving woman
Over user of exclamation marks!!!
Disorganized mess of a housekeeper
Roller coaster junkie
Snake phobic
Night Owl
Early morning grouch
Lover of books
Movie nut

But most of all I am a...

And I wouldn't trade that for the word and all her riches!